Why I Blog . . .

At 36 years old, I had a little mid-life crisis and "Triathlon" seemed to be the cure. I had never been a competitve athlete and I'm a working Mom with 3 kids at home . . . so it's crazy. I seem to find myself updating my Facebook status so much about this new thing in my life and thought . . . maybe ALL of my Facebook friends aren't really interested! So, I have created a blogspot and those who give a toot can get all the crazy details. And I can VENT. And if you're a crazy Triathlete too . . . please share!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Earlier this month, I said goodbye to cookies and pie.

I said hello to Oat Bran, hard boiled eggs and the like.

The menu of an athlete in training.

Until yesterday.
Yesterday, I had a clandestine meeting with these . . .

"These" are Del Taco's Loaded BBQ Fries (my Pastor makes fun of people who take pictures of the food they eat - but a picture is worth a thousand words!). They are loaded with delightful goodness, along with one million calories and grams of fat. And they taste SO GOOD . . . so good that I kept eating them long after my body sent the signals that I was full.

And then I felt sick . . . not only from overeating, but my body was freaking out on the grease and the fat that it has been recently separated from. Poor Loaded BBQ Fries . . . I couldn't finish them all!

I guess the good news is that our bodies know what's good for us and what's trash - even when we don't. And even though those Loaded BBQ Fries were having a party with my tastebuds while I was eating them . . . I paid for it later, bigtime.

In the spirit of repentance, for dinner I ate this:

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