Why I Blog . . .

At 36 years old, I had a little mid-life crisis and "Triathlon" seemed to be the cure. I had never been a competitve athlete and I'm a working Mom with 3 kids at home . . . so it's crazy. I seem to find myself updating my Facebook status so much about this new thing in my life and thought . . . maybe ALL of my Facebook friends aren't really interested! So, I have created a blogspot and those who give a toot can get all the crazy details. And I can VENT. And if you're a crazy Triathlete too . . . please share!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Battlescars from my 8 mile run - alternate title: Aquaphor, A Love Story

On Saturday morning, I set out on an 8 mile run. The longest run I've ever attempted, so I was excited and intimidated at the same time. I had purchased a water belt and packed some PowerBar gels to chew around mile 4 - for that extra shot of energy. I felt very prepared. I even left my ipod at home, seeking to train like it was race day, where ipods are banned.

It didn't feel like February at all, the sun was shining and the crisp air felt more like Springtime had arrived. By mile 4, I was feeling great! My muscles were warmed up and I was in my groove. I was thinking, "Maybe I am a runner!".

Then, at mile 5, my right knee began to throb. Actually, the tendon to the right of my right knee began to throb. This is an old injury that I picked up last summer when I competed in the Donner Lake Triathlon and biked up a freakin MOUNTAIN. And usually, between mile 5 and mile 6, this knee starts to give me a little pain. But I kept running.

Then, around mile 6, my left knee began to hurt. What the . . . .????? And the right knee began screaming. By the time I reached mile 7, I was reduced to 3/1 intervals (running for 3 minutes and walking for 1 minute) because my knees couldn't handle it. I was limping!

By the time I reached the end of the route, I felt so discouraged. If I couldn't make it 8 miles without falling apart, how am I supposed to run 13.5 miles next month??

One of my running coaches immediately suggested I get fitted for new shoes. This may in fact be the problem, however, the skeptic inside of me also recognizes that my coaches are also employees of Fleet Feet and shoe saleswomen. And their first solution to everything is "buy new shoes".

When I got home, I told my sad story to my husband, Mark.

He laughed and told me I am getting old - but I am in luck because he has every knee brace/support known to man and I am welcome to use them!


I then move on to the shower, to wash away my defeat and sweat.

It was then that I discovered that I AM GETTING OLD, because my memory is apparently shot!

One of the lessons learned from my Triathlon: Apply GLIDE anti-chafing stick to multiple areas or live to regret it!

Because I have a co-ed readership, I will refrain from detailing exactly which areas of my body were chafed from 8 miles of clothes rubbing, etc. But I will say that my shower was VERY PAINFUL and I literally have scars.

Aquaphor to the rescue!

Post shower, Aquaphor soothed my wounded skin. It is a miracle in a jar - God bless the folks at Eucerin. Aquaphor was the only spot of sunshine in an otherwise very disappointing experience.

This Saturday is 9 miles. It will include GLIDE and a knee brace or two . . .

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