Why I Blog . . .

At 36 years old, I had a little mid-life crisis and "Triathlon" seemed to be the cure. I had never been a competitve athlete and I'm a working Mom with 3 kids at home . . . so it's crazy. I seem to find myself updating my Facebook status so much about this new thing in my life and thought . . . maybe ALL of my Facebook friends aren't really interested! So, I have created a blogspot and those who give a toot can get all the crazy details. And I can VENT. And if you're a crazy Triathlete too . . . please share!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nike Running Shoes vs The Rip Stick

So . . . since my great accomplishment of March 13th (the Half Marathon) . . . I've been Half Hearted.

Not to say that I haven't been running (although nothing over 3 miles) and that I haven't been swimming (although nothing over a half mile) . . . but definitely Half Hearted.

And then tonight . . . I had FUN.

I decided to invite my 11 year old son and 8 year old daughter with me on my twilight run. My son hopped on his Rip Stick (variation of a skateboard) and my daughter hopped on her bike and away we went.

First, let me say that when you are running along side a bike and a Rip Stick, you just naturally run a little faster. So I was feeling pretty good about this little family exercise outing. And then my son challenged me to a race going uphill on his Rip Stick.

When was the last time you raced an 11 year old doing anything?
It's kinda fun.

I will tell you the Nike Running Shoes won . . . although I'm pretty sure my son got the better workout. On a Rip Stick, you almost exclusively use your abdominal muscles to power yourself forward. Using your legs to run is far easier.

Tonight, I was reminded of a great piece of fitness advice I once heard: Have Fun! If it's not fun, you won't stick with it.

So, I stopped thinking about my pace, my form, my old bones and I just had good, old-fashioned fun.

Who knew?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Because I Can.

Yesterday, I ran 13.1 miles . . . on purpose.

Yesterday, I was full of complaints . . . how my IT Band ached, how my knees felt like they wouldn't bend even one more time . . . how I was going to throw my stupid running shoes in the garbage can when I got home - what had I ever been thinking?!

But today - the only thing I will throw in the garbage is all my complaints.

How BLESSED am I to have a body that can run 13.1 miles?

Sure - I felt like I needed to throw up after it was all done, but I still did it, didn't I?

Sure - after 8 miles I wanted it to be over, but I kept going, didn't I?

Sure - I couldn't walk when I woke up this morning, but I still got out of bed, didn't I?


Why do I run (a good friend asked today)?

Because I can.

Because I still have breath in my body and spring in my step.

Because someday I may have to admit that I can't anymore and I don't want to look back and regret one moment.

Because I can.

Thank you, God, for all the "cans" in my life.

Monday, March 7, 2011

"You can do anything you set your mind to, man." - Eminem

March 13, 2011.

Raley Field, West Sacramento, CA.

Shamrock'n Half Marathon.

Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong!
Of course . . . I don't look exactly like this picture. My race day pics will include IT Band braces, knee braces & bunion windows on my shoes . . .
(Stay tuned)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Shoes, Double-Digit Mileage and Other Good News

Since my last update - a few things have changed.

First - NEW SHOES. Check out my new Nikes, equipped with . . . . wait for it . . . .BUNION WINDOWS!! (The Bunion Window is the oval shaped mesh.) So, my feet really love these shoes. No throbbing bunion pain after running and they are super lightweight (which I need because the rest of me is not super lightweight!). And let's face it - when you're wearing Nike gear, you "JUST DO IT", right??

Second - since my last update, I have completed TWO double-digit runs. Last Saturday I ran 10 miles and this morning I ran 11 miles. INSANITY!! But I did it! And I must say, my pain reduction regimen seems to be working. Motrin, Ice, Stretching, Foam Roller (getting easier). I use the foam roller right before my run and I think that helps! Now . . . I'm not saying that I am pain free at the end of 11 miles. But in comparison to my 9 mile run - it's about 80% reduced! So, I can manage that level of pain. I did give birth to four children, after all . . . three of them without even ONE Motrin! So, c'mon . . .

On a side note - can I just say that I love my doctor?? After my office visit, he mailed me some information on how to avoid running injuries. How sweet! But I had to laugh out loud while reading . . . it said not to run more than 45 miles per week . . . ummm, NO PROBLEM! I'll cut back right away, Doc.

Another side note . . . I burn 1239 calories when I run 11 miles. So . . . there was a Girl Scout cookie or two on my lunch plate today . . . I'm just saying, I earned it!

We're 2 weeks out from the big day . . . next week is my 12 miles run . . .

I'll keep y'all posted!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Medieval Torture Devices and other interesting developments

Well, my little blog community , Saturday's run did not go so well.

At. All.

IT Band was on fire by mile 2. The next 7 miles were pretty ugly, but big thanks to my running buddies in the back of the pack who "leave no man behind"! I made the whole 9 miles, but it was definitely time to regroup and come up with a new strategy!

My running coach wants to "re-fit" me for my shoes (oh! Keith, were you wrong?Say it isn't so!). That happens Tuesday morning.

This afternoon I saw my doctor to confirm the self diagnosis of IT Band syndrome - and, yes! I have one unhappy IT Band. Are you wondering what the heck is an IT Band? Glad you asked - see the lovely pic below:

The part that's circled, that's the part that's ON FIRE when I run. (And P.S. - I wish my gluteus maximus looked like that! ) So - what are the wise words of my running coach and doctor?

1. Rest the inflamed soft tissue (check, haven't run since Saturday).

2. ICE the inflamed soft tissue (check, but this stinks because ice is cold and I hate cold).

3. Stretch!!! (check - and no complaints, it feels good)

4. Foam Roller . . . otherwise known as a Medieval Torture Device. Don't know what this is? Take a look:

I don't care how innocent it looks . . . it is a little cylinder of evil. You lay it on the floor and then you lie on top of it, with the offending muscle against the foam and then you roll the foam along the muscle, with your body weight as the pressure. Like deep tissue massage you give yourself. It works but it sucks.

5. NSAID or Motrin (Check, check, check - but no more children's chewables - those are another form of evil).

Today, my doctor said that if all these things don't bring pain relief, he can always give me a shot of steroid into my hip, right where the IT Band begins, before the big race. UUUmmmmmm????

Probably won't be choosing this method of pain relief.

The only bright moment in all of this? My doctor referred to me as a "high performance athlete" today. OK, I was laughing because HELLO!! I'm no Lance Armstrong . . . but it still felt good to hear . . . bless him.

The lesson in all of this for ya'll: STRETCH your soft tissue people.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Shoe Saga continues . . .

These are my new, "passive-stability" New Balance running shoes . . . no Bunion Window. *sigh*
I expect a blister or two since I will be running 9 miles in brand new shoes tomorrow morning, but hey - blisters are better than a crippled knee (IT Band).

And if I have both blisters and a crippled knee after tomorrow's run . . . . well, you'll read all about it in the next blog.

Keith, you better be right about this . . .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bunion Window?

The last I checked in with y'all, I was wallowing in self-pity after my agonizing 8 mile run.

My right knee, in particular, was on fire. And then there was the whole chafing issue . . .

So, tonight was the speed workout . . . average of about 3 miles on Thursday nights, so I figured I would be safe from harm.


At about mile 2, I felt like someone had just KICKED ME IN THE SIDE OF MY KNEE!


Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

OK, OK!! I cry uncle. I'll buy the freakin new shoes!

So, I walked from the UC Davis track back to Fleet Feet - prepared for the new shoes, but not happy about it.

Enter Keith - shoe salesman extraordinaire. He really knows his stuff and spent 30 minutes educating me on a lot of things. Here are some things I learned:

1. I over-pronate when I walk (roll my foot slightly in)

2. I DO NOT over-pronate when I run!! I am a more efficient runner than walker. I guess I should run everywhere . . . NOT!
3. The pain in my knee probably stems from my IT band - which needs better support.

4. There are running shoes with a Bunion Window!!! How AWESOME is that?? A little comfy window (soft mesh) for my big ol bunions. I am in love.

But OF COURSE they didn't have my size in stock in any of the shoes with a Bunion Window.

Of Course.

Keith did fit me in a very nice New Balance shoe, perfect for a runner who does not over-pronate. I can special order the lovely Bunion Window shoe, but it will take one to two weeks to arrive and my knees don't have that kind of time!!! Such a dilema! Fleet Feet has a 90 day return policy . . . what do I do???

I left Keith and the New Balance shoe at the store (on hold). I will sleep on it tonight.

To Bunion Window or Not to Bunion Window? That is the question . . .